Vote for RYHT PanelPicker Idea and become a public education advocate
Up Vote for each of our panels in the Policy & Civic Engagement Track. You are allowed to vote once for each panel. Read more about each to learn more about each of our panels. #PanelPicker #SXSWEDU
ReEngineering School Assessment and Accountability: Measure What Matters
Our students and schools are more than one standardized test administered on one day. Yet, the STAAR Test is what Texas schools and students are assessed on most heavily. A 2021-2022 survey of more than 15,600 Texans shows that educators, parents, community leaders, and students believe in accountability, but want more out of the current A-F system for our schools. How are other states addressing Assessment and Accountability? When do community based accountability systems play a role, and how can school districts successfully implement this new style of accountability? It’s time to rethink our accountability system. It’s time to Measure What Matters.
What will you learn from this panel:
Vote for the “Measure What Matters” Panel
The Five Year Problem: Keeping Our Teachers in the Classroom” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Teachers are leaving the profession, half of all new teachers exit the classroom after five years, and fewer young people are pursuing teaching as a career. The teacher pipeline is broken, and alternative certification does not seem to be the answer. Today there is more data than ever about the challenges and potential solutions to improve this profession that is so intimately tied to the future success of Texas. Research and reports from the Charles Butt Foundation, the University of Houston and national academic research will offer a holistic view of the issue, while also guiding policy and helping to write legislation that can help us overcome the Texas Teacher Workforce Challenge.
Hear directly from teachers, the primary experts in their field, about retention policies, ways to make teachers feel valued, and how we can attract them to the profession, while also giving the profession the respect it deserves.
What will you learn from this panel:
Vote for “the Five Year Problem” Panel
How to Become a Public Education Advocate
A strong educational system is fundamental to our democracy, and your voice is needed. If you are considering the adoption of legislative priorities, the answer isn’t to go alone – bring your community along with you! By adopting a relationship-building approach to your legislative advocacy, you can develop strong priorities that give voice, create opportunities to build stronger connections to policymakers, and lead to positive outcomes for public schools. This workshop will teach you how to identify your mobilizers and direct influencers; analyze what skills you need to instill in yourself and others to become public education advocates; and walk away with a plan you can implement to build deeper advocacy in your community.
What will you learn from this panel:
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