Where We Stand

We have established seven core policy priorities — our true north — that guide our long-term work strengthening and supporting public schools in Texas. Download the report in English (PDF) or en Español (PDF)

Download Report (PDF)

Where We Stand


Below are links to outside sources used to support our stances
on a number of the policy priorities included in our Where We Stand booklet.

Money Matters in Education

Educational Opportunities and Performance in Texas. (2021, September 1). Education Week. https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/quality-counts-2021-educational-opportunities-and-performance-in-texas/2021/01

Serving the Whole Child Promotes Learning

2021 Kids Count Data Book. (n.d.). The Annie E. Casey Foundation. https://www.aecf.org/interactive/databook?l=48

Texas Families Deserve an Equal Playing Field

TEA Charter Funding. 2021-2022 Estimate of State Aid Template. https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/2022-estimate-of-state-aid-template-version%204.xlsx

Prepared Students Ensure a Brighter Future For Our State

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. 2022 60x30TX Progress Report. https://reportcenter.highered.texas.gov/reports/data/60x30tx-progress-report-july-2022/


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