Raise Your Hand Texas submitted the following written testimony to the Texas House Committee on Public Education on Thursday, March 6, 2025. Raise Your Hand Texas will continue to keep the public informed through written and invited/public testimony on the issues related to public education in Texas.
Written Testimony of Max Rombado
Legislative Director
Raise Your Hand Texas
Before the Texas House Committee on Public Education
The Honorable Brad Buckley, Chair
House Bill 2 by Representative Buckley: Support
Key Points:
Raise Your Hand Texas supports HB 2 by Rep. Buckley as an essential first step toward addressing the urgent funding needs of Texas’ students, teachers, and public schools. This legislation aims to increase key allotments, including the Basic Allotment, which has remained unchanged for the last six years.
During this period, Texas has experienced significant inflation, creating immense pressure on public schools to fund critical areas such as teacher and staff salaries, health insurance, energy costs, and more. HB 2 will provide much-needed relief and additional funding to help schools navigate these challenges.
However, we believe more needs to be done. Raise Your Hand Texas recommends the creation of an automatic annual inflationary adjustment to the Basic Allotment, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or a similar indicator, to ensure that funding keeps pace with the rising costs schools face.
Additionally, we look forward to discussing further policy initiatives to attract, train, and retain teachers. One such initiative is the Future Texas Teacher Scholarship Program, which was authorized last session but has yet to be funded. This program would provide scholarships to aspiring teachers to attend high-quality educator preparation programs, helping build a strong pipeline of educators for Texas’ classrooms.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Chairman Buckley for his leadership on several key initiatives within HB 2:
Again, thank you, Chairman Buckley, for taking the first step toward this important issue. Raise Your Hand Texas looks forward to continued progress throughout the session.
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