
Bailey Glenn

BAILEY GLENN 3rd Grade English Language Arts & Reading | Rosenberg Elementary | Galveston ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, UT College of Education   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to...

Ashley McDonald

ASHLEY MCDONALD English II | Westside High School (2020-21), Bellaire High School (21-22) Charles Butt Scholar Alum, Rice University   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to an end, ten Charles...

Jacqueline Owed

JACQUELINE OJEDA  10th Grade English/Language Arts | Southwest High School | Southwest ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, Our Lady of the Lake University   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to...

Michael Wesevich

MICHAEL WESEVICH  10th & 12th Grade, Pre-AP Chemistry/AP Physics | Bryan Adams Leadership Academy | Dallas ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, UT Austin UTeach Natural Sciences     Return to portfolio As the 2020-21...

Gabriela Coelho

GABRIELA COELHO K-5th Grade Special Education | Decker Elementary | Manor ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, UT College of Education   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to an end, ten...

Michelle Henderson

MICHELLE HENDERSON  1st Grade Self-Containted Teacher | Alderson Elementary | Lubbock ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, Texas Tech University   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to an end, ten Charles Butt...

Lilia Hernandez

LILIA HERNANDEZ  1st Grade Self-Contained | Sivells Elementary | Wharton ISD Charles Butt Scholar Alum, University of Houston   Return to portfolio As the 2020-21 school year came to an end, ten Charles Butt Scholar alumni...


All of us are responsible for the success of Texas’ 5.5 million students. In the heat of the moment, and especially within the divisive nature of our current public discourse, it’s tempting to grasp...

Change starts by investing in the next generation of teachers and leaders

A Message from the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation President: At the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, we have the privilege of working with extraordinary Texas educators and telling their stories which celebrate their...

Questions Still Remain on Federal Stimulus Funding for Public Education

Proposals impacting the timing and method of distributing stimulus funds are still being debated. We are almost to the finish line on the discussion of federal stimulus funding for education. But while districts now...


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