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Across The Lawn – April 14, 2023

Raise Your Hand Texas has a front-row seat to the Capitol. From our vantage point, public education policy issues have never been more important, and this is why we must make every session a...

Grey image of the Capitol of Texas

Raise Your Hand Texas’ Bob Popinski Testifies on House Bill 100

Raise Your Hand Texas provides the following public testimony in response to the Texas House of Representatives Committee on Public Education Hearing on April 4, 2023, regarding House Bill 100. Raise Your Hand Texas...

Texas teacher teaching at front of middle school classroom.

The Ripple Effect of Increasing the Basic Allotment in Texas

Three school funding challenges, one solution The public education system in Texas is one of the largest in the nation, with more than 1,200 school districts and public charter schools and just under 9,000...

Stool Day Poster

A Strong Texas Recovery Takes All Three

What is the most crucial leg of a stool? The one that is missing. A strong Texas recovery starts with the recovery of our public schools. Right now, Texas has only secured two funding...

Statement on the Texas Legislature’s Passage of House Bill 3

Raise Your Hand Texas applauds the work of the 86th Texas Legislature in passing a comprehensive school finance bill without the threat of a court order. The $11.6 billion plan includes funding for full-day...

Capitol Spring Photo

Policy Paper: Test-Based Funding

Keep School Funding Separate From High-Stakes Tests School finance policy that provides funding to K-12 students based on their performance on a high-stakes test has no basis in research. Funding any part of our...

Session Toolkit

The 86th Legislative Session has officially begun and it’s poised to be one of the most critical for public education in recent memory. We created this Session Toolkit to provide up-to-date information about what...

5 things needed in any Texas school finance plan

As we’ve traveled the state, people have told us they are primarily concerned about two things: property tax relief and school finance. They also recognize these two issues are intertwined—both need to be addressed...

Quality counts, but Texas isn’t investing in it.

Texas schools will begin receiving A through F letter grades this year, based on academic performance. But who grades the state policies that oversee our public schools? Each year Education Week releases a report and ranking...

Stakes High for Texas Students

STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION TAKES UP RULES IMPLEMENTING HB 5 THIS WEEK Among the changes in Texas public schools passed by the Texas Legislature as part of HB 5, the reduction in high-stakes end-of-course...


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