
Valerie Torres-Solis, Paredes Middle School

Don’t Be Fooled. Vouchers Hurt All Texas Students.

Don’t be fooled. No matter what an education voucher is called, the policy is the same. Vouchers are a scheme that divert public funds to private schools and vendors, and then continue to undermine...

Vouchers Hurt

Why Does A State Like Texas Reject School Vouchers?

We’re Smarter Than That. If there’s one thing Texans take pride in, it’s their individuality. Their freedom. Their communities. Their tradition for doing things better and in their own way.  And when it comes...

Session Toolkit

The 86th Legislative Session has officially begun and it’s poised to be one of the most critical for public education in recent memory. We created this Session Toolkit to provide up-to-date information about what...

Texas Student Enrollment Data

Who Educates Texas Students They are educated in diverse settings by teachers of all types. While homeschooling and private/religious schools are popular choices in Texas, the vast majority of Texas students attend public schools,...


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