Candidate Forums – Fall 2022

For the Future Candidate Forums – Fall 2022

Raise Your Hand Texas is proud to host candidate forums solely focused on public education. Our For the Future candidate forums provide an opportunity for Texans to educate themselves on the issues and be informed voters on election day. The forums are specifically geared toward education topics and let participants know where candidates stand on some of the most pressing issues facing our public schools. The forums are organized and hosted by our Regional Advocacy Directors for Texas Legislature elections, or run-off elections, in their respective regions. All candidates on the ballot for the district are invited to participate, and no candidates are endorsed.

For the Future Candidate Forums

These candidate forums are free to attend because Raise Your Hand Texas believes it is important for all voters to have access to the information they need to make an educated decision when they go to the ballot box. The Texas Legislature plays a large role in shaping the requirements and resources of every public school in the state, and an informed electorate is important to making sure decisions made at the Capitol impacting our students and teachers are in their best interest.

Every election is an education election, and Raise Your Hand Texas is proud to present these candidate forums as a way for voters to educate themselves on the issues and candidates when it comes to education and supporting our public schools.

Previous Texas Education Candidate Forums

These Texas Education Candidate Forums were presented by Raise Your Hand Texas and organized by its Regional Advocacy Directors. These forums featured candidates for Texas House or Senate seats with all candidates on the ballot invited to participate in order to present their stances on education issues to their respective communities. Recordings of the forums, including any portion of these, may not be used in political advertisements.

House District 37 and Senate District 27 Candidates:
Luis Villarreal (Democrat)
Janie Lopez (Republican)
Morgan LaMantia (Democrat)
Asam Hinojosa (Republican)

House District 61 Candidates:
Frederick Frazier (Republican)
Sheena King (Democrat)

House District 70 Candidates:
Jamee Jolly (Republican)
Mihaela Plesa (Democrat)

House District 74 Candidates:
Eddie Morales (Democrat)
Katherine Parker (Republican)

House District 96 Candidates:
David Cook (Republican)


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