Anne Lasseigne Tiedt, APR
Senior Director of Strategic Communications, Raise Your Hand Texas, (512) 784-3805
AUSTIN, TX (October 25, 2022) – Today, Raise Your Hand Texas released A Report from the Measure What Matters Assessment & Accountability Council, an extensive report with actionable policy recommendations on learning, testing, and effectively measuring Texas’ public schools and students. The report provides a call to action and roadmap for state lawmakers to consider during the 88th Legislative Session.
“For far too long Texas has overemphasized high-stakes, single-day student testing as the sole indicator of school and student performance,” said Dr. Libby Cohen, senior director of advocacy at Raise Your Hand Texas. “That’s too narrow of a measure, and we can do better in crafting a world-class accountability and testing system.”
Policy recommendations are based on more than a year of statewide community conversations, data collection, analysis, surveys, and research. Policy recommendations include:
Assessment and Testing
Local Accountability System
The complete list of recommendations and necessary legislative actions can be found on the Raise Your Hand Texas website.
“We see a path forward to provide meaningful ways to measure student learning and define what it means to provide an excellent education to all students,” said Dr. Kelli Moulton, Texas Association of School Administrators executive superintendent and Measure What Matters Council chair. “The Texas Legislature has the opportunity to refresh our accountability and testing system, and we hope the Measure What Matters recommendations provide the necessary framework to do so.”
The report reflects more than a year of work in the field by Raise Your Hand Texas’ Regional Advocacy Directors, the Measure What Matters Council on Assessment & Accountability, and additional research and survey results.
Texas voters, parents, and community leaders also strongly support meaningful change for the state’s assessment and accountability system.
As part of the Raise Your Hand Texas Texas Voices Campaign, over 80% of respondents said they do not believe the STAAR test alone can effectively measure the “full range of things that make a good school.” A 2022 Charles Butt Foundation poll found that most Texans are skeptical that the STAAR effectively measures how well a student is learning. In the same poll, 83% of Texans believe the Texas Education Agency should not base its A-F letter grades entirely on STAAR test scores for Texas public schools.
The Measure What Matters Council is an issue-based, non-partisan convening of education leaders, researchers, policymakers, and community leaders. The Council is composed of fifteen members of various educational, policy, and business leadership backgrounds. Dr. Kelli Moulton chaired the Council, and Dee Carney served as a consultant for the group.
Raise Your Hand Texas supports public policy solutions that invest in our students, encourage innovation and autonomy, and improve college and workforce readiness. For more information, visit
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