
Mentoring Teachers to Create High-Quality Classrooms

Intersect Ed Podcast Graphic for Teacher Mentoring Episode

The formalized practice of having more experienced teachers coach those newer in the profession has the potential to help with a major challenge facing Texas public schools — teacher shortages. It also benefits everyone involved, from the experienced teachers acting as mentors who now have a chance to learn new skills, to the newer teachers they are supporting, and to the students who now have confident, calm educators in the classroom. 

Hear from current and former teachers Mario Piña, Regional Advocacy Director – Central Texas at Raise Your Hand Texas, Jennifer Cook, 7th Grade English Language Arts Teacher at Livingston ISD, and Jerome Johnson, 8th Grade English Language Arts Teacher at Channelview ISD in this episode. They will share how mentoring teachers can create higher-quality classrooms across Texas, and why Texas lawmakers need to take the framework of what’s already a good program and expand it so that more teachers — whether veteran or new in the classroom — can benefit from teacher mentoring for generations to come. 

Read the podcast transcript here.

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