Charter Schools

Charter schools offer the opportunity to foster innovation in public education, especially for our most at-risk students. However, rapid expansion of charter schools is creating tax inefficiencies, unequal access for students, and a parallel system of publicly funded schools. 

Charter Schools Image

Raise Your Hand Texas supports equitable funding between public charters and traditional public schools, as well as expansion and accountability policies that require all publicly funded schools to equally serve every student in their community. Charter schools and traditional schools should be held to the same high standards.

Charter School District Graphic
Graphic: Charter schools receive up to $1,000 additional per student.

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Where We Stand

2023 Charter Schools Legislative Priorities

Public education is always on the agenda for the state legislature. It is time to level the playing field between public schools and public charters when it comes to per-pupil funding.

SB 1882 District Partnership Map

This map shows the average per-student increase a district would receive if it were funded like a charter school, including student and program weights.

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Charter Campuses in Texas

The charter expansion map tracks the growth of charter schools in Texas from 1997 through 2019.

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