Fully Funded Full-Day Pre-K

In Texas, we don't settle for half measures

From our football arenas to our dance halls to our kids’ education, we pride ourselves on giving our full 100% to the things that matter. So we know that funding Texas’ full-day pre-K program at just 50% is not the Texan way. Let’s give our youngest learners the strong start they deserve by fully funding full-day pre-K.

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Learn How Texas Funds Pre-K

See why fully funded full-day pre-K is an investment guaranteed to pay off Texas-sized dividends for our children, our families, and our state’s economic future.

The Funding Challenge

Texas' Pre-K Funding Gap

In 2019, Texas passed House Bill 3 (HB 3), expanding access to full-day pre-K and providing additional support for early learners in pre-K to third grade by establishing the Early Education Allotment. This legislation marked a significant step forward in our state’s commitment to early education. But over five years later, we’re still only halfway there.

The Problem With Texas' Current Pre-K Funding Structure

Half-Day Funding

HB 3 mandates full-day pre-K but only provides half-day funding, putting the burden on local school districts to cover the rest of the costs through the Early Education Allotment or other revenue sources. Meanwhile, every other grade is funded on a full-day basis.

Limited Access

Currently, many families are shut out of eligibility for full-day pre-K due to restrictive income caps. These eligibility barriers leave behind a large portion of Texas children and working families who stand to benefit from full-day pre-K.

Shortchanged Schools

This massive funding gap makes it harder for already budget-constrained school districts to invest in quality programs, maintain safe facilities, and retain qualified teachers. And oftentimes, school districts are forced to rely on local taxpayers to help bear the cost burden.

Other Funding Needs

While the Early Education Allotment does provide a funding pool to support early learning, there are many other critical kindergarten through third-grade interventions competing for these same dollars.

Today, Texas has a historic $21.2 billion dollar budget surplus.

By investing less than 10% of these dollars into full funding for full-day pre-K, the Texas legislature has a golden opportunity to make 100% of Texas stronger.

Texas Pre-K Students Are:

The Promise of Pre-K

A 100% Good Investment, Guaranteed

Research shows immediate and lasting benefits of a high quality pre-K education. By fully funding full-day pre-K, Texas lawmakers can help ensure school districts achieve important academic benchmarks, setting Texas’ youngest learners up for a lifetime of success.

Full funding for full-day pre-K today powers a brighter future for all of Texas tomorrow

Academic Success
Data proves that students who receive a high quality pre-K education build the foundational literacy and numeracy skills needed to achieve greater outcomes throughout their entire academic careers — from kindergarten readiness to 3rd grade STAAR assessments to high school graduation and even into college.

Cost Savings
In Texas, where the differences in early learning opportunities lead to wide disparities in academic achievement, investing in pre-K now saves schools money in the long run by reducing the need for costly special education and remediation services.

Workforce Reliability
Funding full-day pre-K at a full-day rate allows more families to participate in the workforce knowing their kids are in a safe learning environment all day long, ultimately strengthening business and growing the Texas’ economy.

Return on Investment
Every $1 invested in pre-K is proven to yield up to $9 in societal returns, with profoundly positive ripple effects for Texas such as reduced crime rates and increased earning potential for Texas’ future workforce.

Well-Rounded Schools
Full funding for full-day pre-K would free up local resources for other critical needs in early education, and would allow school districts to invest in higher quality programs, meeting more of the national Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) quality standards.

Pre-K Resources

Texas' Pre-K Paradox

Proven Success, Precarious Funding

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