
View the stories that connect with Texas public schools and the work at Raise Your Hand Texas.

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It’s Time to Fully Fund Pre-K

(3-video playlist)

Advocacy in Action

Measure What Matters

Raise Your Hand Texas advocacy team began meeting with Texans in small and large group settings to educate stakeholders about our current accountability system, gather feedback on accountability topics, and invite people to join us in the push for legislative change.

(10-video playlist)

Support High Quality, Full-Day Pre-K

Raise Your Hand Texas believes all children, regardless of family income, deserve a fair shot at success in school and in life. High-quality, full-day pre-k gives them that opportunity.

(4-video playlist)

Say Yes To Strong Public Schools – #vOUCHersHurt

Thriving Quality School Choice in Texas

Cutting-edge programs and quality choices are increasingly available to public school students across the state, to the benefit of Texas families and the state’s future economy.

CTE Programs Empowers and Delivers School Choice in Texas Public Schools

School Finance

A high-quality and well-funded public education system is essential to help every child to reach their full potential. Texas ranks in the bottom 10 states in per-student funding. Investing in public schools should be a priority every legislative session.

(2-video playlist)

Future of Texas is in our Public Schools

This is the future…and the future of Texas, our economy, our community and citizenry, depends on what we do today. Strengthening public education takes all of us. Legislators must act now – it is time to invest in our future. Give our educators what they need to innovate for our future. And it is time for everyone to stand up and advocate for our public schools.

This is where the future begins…


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