
students and teacher learning around table

Raise Your Hand Texas Calls on 88th Legislature to Increase Funding for Texas Public Schools

With less than one week left in the 88th Legislative Session, our elected officials must act now to provide Texas public schools the funding needed to attract and retain our teacher workforce, keep up...

Grey image of the Capitol of Texas

Senate Committee Substitute for HB 100

Raise Your Hand Texas submitted the following written testimony in response to the Texas Senate Committee on Education Hearing on May 22, 2023, regarding CSHB 100. Raise Your Hand Texas will continue to keep the...

Across the Lawn Newsletter Orange Logo

Across the Lawn – April 28, 2023

Raise Your Hand Texas has a front-row seat to the Capitol. From our vantage point, public education policy issues have never been more important, and this is why we must make every session a...

Across the Lawn Gray Logo

Across The Lawn – April 14, 2023

Raise Your Hand Texas has a front-row seat to the Capitol. From our vantage point, public education policy issues have never been more important, and this is why we must make every session a...

Questions Still Remain on Federal Stimulus Funding for Public Education

Proposals impacting the timing and method of distributing stimulus funds are still being debated. We are almost to the finish line on the discussion of federal stimulus funding for education. But while districts now...

Stool Day Poster

A Strong Texas Recovery Takes All Three

What is the most crucial leg of a stool? The one that is missing. A strong Texas recovery starts with the recovery of our public schools. Right now, Texas has only secured two funding...

Stool Day RYHT wooden stool image

Three-Legged Stool Day at the Capitol

What is the most crucial leg of a stool? The one that is missing. A strong Texas recovery starts with the recovery of our public schools. Right now, Texas has only secured two funding...

It’s Time to Ensure Stability for Our Public Schools

Like a steady stool needs three strong legs, our schools need Texas leadership to follow through on three simple commitments. They say a productive life is all about balance. And all of us, including...

Texas Schools Show Resiliency Through Yet Another Crisis

It was just after midnight when the phone rang. The winter storm had knocked out power, causing rolling blackouts across Waxahachie — and across Texas. A local nursing home lost power and didn’t have...

Money Intended for Education Should Stay in Education

The federal government is providing billions in COVID-19 relief funding to public schools across the country. Texas initially received $1.3 billion in federal stimulus funding intended for our schools in the spring of 2020....


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