
The Power of Pre-K with Wendy Detenbeck

April 02, 2019  

Business leaders, economic experts, and educators recognize the power of high-quality pre-K, both to building the foundation for learning and for leveling the playing field among student groups for kindergarten readiness. Our new video series features prominent Texans from a variety of industries and perspectives, all speaking to the importance of high-quality, full-day pre-K to Texas students, the educational and workforce pipelines, and the future economy of Texas.

Our latest video in the series features a pre-K teacher who longs to have more time with her students and families to make a greater impact. Her half-day pre-K could expand to full-day if the legislature votes to invest in this proven program.

Wendy Detenbeck is a pre-K teacher at Ross Elementary in Clear Creek ISD. She has held various positions at the district, but enjoys teaching pre-K the most because of the relationships she forms with her families.

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Tags: high-quality pre-k pre-k

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