
Top Content of 2020

December 28, 2020  

As this unusual year comes to an end, we’ve been digging through the archives and putting together a list of our top content of 2020. Take a look back with us and see how our organization continued to spotlight teachers, school leaders, and districts — even during a global pandemic.


Support a strong Texas recovery.
Support our public schools.

As students headed back to school in August, we released this video to remind Texans that our public schools are the hearts and hands of our communities. And as this pandemic continues, we must continue to support schools as they have supported us. Because a strong Texas recovery requires strong public schools.

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2020: Texans For All

“2020: Texans For All” was the theme of this year’s Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation alumni Leadership Symposium. The entire event was centered around one question: What makes public education special? The answer: We. Are. For. All. 

All students.
All teachers.
All families.
All communities.
We are Texans for all futures.
Because the future of Texas is in our public schools.

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Scenes of Resilience from Texas School Reopenings

This school year has looked like no other. School districts have faced unprecedented challenges and uncertainties — but that did not stop them from welcoming students and staff back with the same warmth, enthusiasm, and compassion.

In this collection of back-to-school vignettes, we spotlighted how eight Texas districts from across the state provided safe, personalized, and adaptive instructional opportunities for all students.

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Lessons from a Leader’s Journey

Filmed pre-COVID-19, Erika Carter’s story is one that can inspire us all during this time. It’s one filled with tenacity and courage. 

Erika chose to be the principal at a school some would avoid. She’s leading a school that historically struggles in a neighborhood that historically struggles. But she is well aware, and she’s up for the challenge. After all, she’s from the same neighborhood as her students.

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The COVID-19 Crunch

What do you do when you can’t go into the field and capture photos and video? You start a podcast. One of the highlights of 2020 for our organization was the release of our new podcast series — IntersectEd, where the stories of Texas public education policy and practice meet. 

In this episode, we gave listeners a landscape view of what school budgets look like for the upcoming school year and how the economic recession may impact school districts in the 2021 Texas Legislative session. Give it a listen and make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes!

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