Don’t be fooled. No matter what an education voucher is called, the policy is the same. Vouchers are a scheme that divert public funds to private schools and vendors, and then continue to undermine traditional public schools and charters, teachers, and students. The lack of public accountability in any voucher program is rife for mismanagement of financial resources, and also lacks academic accountability of the schools that receive the private voucher money.
It doesn’t matter if they are called Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs), special education vouchers, virtual vouchers, or a “bracketed” voucher set-up to protect rural schools from the harmful impacts of this scheme: any voucher program will have a long-lasting, negative impact on our state.
All of these vouchers hurt public schools because they impact the funding traditional public schools and charter schools receive.
The last failed voucher bill in Texas was estimated to divert $340 million per year from our public schools. That’s hundreds of millions of dollars that would’ve been unavailable to public schools that could be used to support much-needed salary and retirement increases for teachers and staff, support tutoring and accelerated instruction for our neediest students, or expand pre-kindergarten. While this proposal was initially projected to impact 22,000 students, it was estimated to almost double in size in just a few years, just like in other voucher programs around the country.
For each student leaving a Texas public school, a campus would lose about $10,000 in state and local funding. And when those resources leave the public school district or charter school, the fixed costs of running those schools don’t go away. Class sizes increase, programs are cut, and our public school communities become lesser shells of what they could be if the students remained. In rural Texas communities, just 4 to 5 students leaving for a private virtual school under a voucher program would ultimately cut a teacher’s salary or impact the school’s ability to fund extracurricular activities.
Evidence from other states shows private school vouchers often fail to cover the full cost of a student to attend a private school. Parents may be enticed to utilize a voucher program to send their child to a private school, but then parents discover very few voucher programs cover the full cost of tuition. The national average tuition for private school is more than $12,000.
Pegged as a solution for financially struggling families to get their students into private schools, the real beneficiaries of such programs in other states are students who already attend private schools. In states like Arizona, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin, anywhere from 75% to 89% of the students using vouchers already attended a private school, showcasing that the parents who could already afford private schools are the primary beneficiaries of the programs.
While vouchers do a great job in providing financial assistance to parents who could already afford private schools and would have likely sent their children to private schools anyways, vouchers often leave behind other student populations. This is most evident in the lack of protections for students who require special education resources.
Students with physical, mental, or learning disabilities may not have access to the services they need. All of these services are legally required at a public school, but will not be guaranteed at a private school. Special education vouchers can hurt students with disabilities by weakening rights given to them under federal regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). When a parent enrolls their child with special needs in a private school, they waive those rights.
Whether you call it an ESA, special education voucher, business tax credit or some other flashy name that privatizers come up with, all of these vouchers do the same thing: undercut the communities they claim to serve. Using taxpayer dollars to fund private schools and vendors that do not have to account for their spending or the academic outcomes of their students is not a responsible use of these funds.
No matter how you package it or what name you call it, vouchers hurt our public schools and communities across the entire state of Texas. Public dollars should remain in public schools.
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